sugar cookies are a holiday classic so why not make them chocolate?! this recipe doubles down on the chocolate-y-nes...
we know holiday baking is a thing, but we're here to make fall baking a thing too. these peanut butter blossom (or t...
these make a perfect dessert for a small party or anniversary and cutting the strawberries into little hearts is a c...
since we love creating recipes, you know we had to create one with our latest thorn brewing collab beer. and what be...
these simple and delicious bars are perfect for a quick summer treat! plus, they can be easily customized to fit you...
s'mores. cake. firecracker chocolate. does it get any more festive for summer? no way! this cake truly has it all! m...
chocolate pudding is such a classic dessert. we thought we'd spice it up by making it with our cheeky cheeky churro ...
this chocolate barbecue sauce is perfect for your summer cookout! a little spicy, a little sweet, and very savory!
we all love classic s'mores with toasty marshmallows and melty chocolate. who doesn't?! but this summer we are looki...