Gifting Templates

printable gifting templates, gift tags and wrapping paper

looking for tags, printable wrapping paper, or cute little envelopes (perfect for our mini bars)? you've come to the right place! feel free to download our templates to use while sharing joy. 

wrapping paper

our wrapping paper is sized to 8.5" x 11" and will hold 4-5 of our chocolate bars. click on the option below to view and download our printable paper now!

gift tags

our gift tags are a perfect way to accessorize your package! each page is equipped with 6 gift tags for you to cut out and use! click on the option below to view and download our printable tags now!


new this year! we have envelopes that are perfect for some cold hard cash, a gift card, and/or our mini bars! this template has 3 envelopes that are ready to be cut out and folded up. click on the link below to view and download our printable gift card sleeves now!

enjoy! and may your holidays (and gift wrap!) be merry and bright!